Some preliminary observations
Being a limited-run kit, you get quite an excessive amount of flash in some places, particularly around the wheels, some molding defects (look at the rubber pads on the tracks) and a detail which a little soft in some places. Some typical features of the M41 are not reproduced, such as the typical transition line between the welded and cast parts of the turret and the eight holes on the perimeter of the idler wheels; others features might be missing, I just had not enough time to find them all. While it is not difficult to make the welding beam, drilling eight oval holes on a tiny and thin piece of plastic is another thing.
On the other hand, many little details are photoetched, which will guarantee extreme detail and finesse in many places: even the small handles around the grilles on the deck are photoetched, and putting them all in place will be a nightmare: however, the final effect is going to be astonishing !