SdKfz 232 6 Rad
Kit # 7032 Review by Simon Barnes

The first Plastic kit of this early German armoured reconnaissance car, used in the early part of the Second World War. It has to be said that this kit has been designed with the wargamer in mind and as such is made for ease of assembly, I am sure though that with a bit of loving care it can be build into a very nice model.

The kit consists of just one sprue on which is mounted the complete kit. On a closer inspection it is easy to see that it is not the most detailed of kits with all the hatches being moulded shut on both the hull and turret. The suspension consists of just 7 parts not including the wheels of which there are 10. It is designed for strength and stability rather than detail. The main hull consist of just 4 parts: Upper, lower front and rear to which is attached the spare wheel, as I have said all hatches are shut and a bit simplified around the hinges. The turret has an upper and a lower with a front plate where the gun fits into, the front plate will need some work on it as it show very little detail, the gun can only be mounted in one position.

The rest of the sprue is taken up by the various attachments to be fitted to the hull including the fenders and arguably the most complex part of the kit, the radio antenna, which is probably the best part of the kit!. There is a pick axe to fit to the side of the hull but unfortunately the other tools are moulded in place and not very well, showing very poor relief and are very flat, they will need replacing.

I am not sure what it is about this kit; it looks alright when stood there, with the exception of the wheels, they stand too far in from the ends of the fenders, but herein lies the problem, although the kit scales out well in length, it is too wide, whether this lies with the hull or the fenders i am not sure. the fenders are too wide, but that doesn't make up the complete width problem as the distance between the wheels or the spur is also slightly too large. I think that the best way to correct this is to thin the fenders down so that the just reach the ends of the wheels without getting too complicated. What you will be left with is a vehicle slightly too wide but unless you are going to measure it you wont really notice it.

Markings are provided for 4 vehicles all from the early war period from 1937 to 1940

Despite the simplicity of the kit and the few mistakes it is very nice to have some early war vehicles rather than the more well known Tigers and Panthers and with a bit of tender loving care it could be built into a very nice display model.


Die Gepanzerten Radfahrzueges des Deutschen Heeres1909-1945 by Walter Spielberger Motor Buch verlag

German Armoured Cars and reconnaisance Half-tracks 1939-45 by Bryan Perret Osprey New vanguard 29


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Article Last Updated: 31 May 2005