Krupp Turret 1944 for E-100 |
Kit # LWP010 | Review by Kevin Liang Edited by Rob Haelterman |
had two turrets designed for it. The turret provided by Dragon in 1/72
is a converted Maus turret. The other design was called Maus II. Instead
of having a cast armour, the turret has no curves, and so can be welded
from plates.
Anyway, the resin conversion kit from Lonewulf is meant to represent the Maus II turret with the 128mm gun. The model is packed in a small blister pack. The turret side weld seams are very well done. However, the flash is very evident, but should be easy to remove. Frontal turret has good weld details. Mounting for mantlet seems correct. Turret underside has plugs so it can sit and rotate on the hull. I should mention the turret is a hollow casting, and thus does not weigh very much. The last casting plug contains the well made 128mm gun, along with the two stereoscopic rangefinders. I don't think the gun has a metal rod stiffener, so over time it may droop. The mantlet is excellent, but the cast texture is a bit weak. Conclusion: If you can get your hands on an E-100 kit, this conversion will make it shine. Highly recommended. |
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Article Last Updated: 23 March 2013 |