Finally, a Kübelwagen in plastic with
balloon tires!
I have been waiting for this
for a long time, and S-Models have delivered. But is it any good?
Compared to other 1/72 plastic Kübelwagens, I think it is the
best out there.
The Dragon Kübelwagen
is also very good. It even has some points were it is better than
the S-Models version. The Dragon model has some better details, for
example gas and brake pedals. It has an engine. The air filter on
the back is correct, where the one from the S-Model is only half an
air filter. S-Models did this to make room for the folded tilt. But
on the down side, the Dragon model has separate tires from the rim.
When they are put together they look horrible. They let the whole
model down. If the model had single piece wheels like most models do, this would
be the best Kübel. There are, what I think, map holders on the
doors, something I have never seen pictures of. But that does not
mean they did not exist. The trouble I have with it, is that the doors
cannot be built without them. There is no inner detail on the doors.
And the biggest problem, for me, is that it comes with a Tiger 1.
That makes for an expensive Kübel, if you just want a Kübel alone.
So, to the S-Model kit. I made some changes to the model. S-Model has made
a mid-version of the Kübel. I wanted to build an early version.
An initial version is harder to make, because the patterns on the
doors are different. There are some other differences, but the doors
would be the hardest to correct.
I started with improving some details. Pedals for the driver, legs
for the seats. And I replaced the PE bar in the middle with a plastic
rod. The tilt got replaced with one made from green stuff, and on
the back I added a round taillight. I did not use part A-12, the air
filter. It was not that often installed and because it lacks the top
part. But this can easily fixed. And if you use the supplied tilt,
the missing part is hidden. I installed a fuel tank next to and a
little behind the instrument panel.
If you want to further
detail this area, there is a jerry can placed underneath it, but this
can hardly be seen, even on the real vehicle. See the reference
photo. I also added some window wiper motors to the window frame.
Making an early version of this kit is very easy as well. The rear
fenders need to be cut. At the end they were shorter. With the early
version the end where also the body of the car ends. Later versions
had the fender extended below the body, probably to keep the dust
from being kicked up.
The indicators were attached to the window frame. The horn (A-6) is
moved from the front to a position just in front of the driver’s
Missing from the kit is some clear plastic for the window, which easily
can be made from any clear plastic packing material. Also there are
no decals, which is a bigger problem (and a letdown for me). Both
things are included in the Italeri kit. So I took those from the Italeri
offers only one colour option for the kit, but this sells the kit short.
The Tankograd book, "Kübelwagen on all Frontlines",
is a perfect reference. There are pictures in the book of Kübelwagens
with balloon tires in panzer grey, in panzer grey with sand overspray, sand yellow,
three and two tone camouflage in Italy, and in olive drab
for captures ones used by the Brits and Americans. The balloon tires
gave great traction on loose sand, but they did not last very long.
They wore down very quickly. So you can build a mid-version from the
box without changing the kit, something I plan to do with the second
kit, and give it a three tone camouflage.
I have not found any pictures of a late Kübelwagen, with balloon
tires. But I plan to make one, using the other S-Models kit, with
the “normal” tires. The biggest problem is that the instrument
panel needs to be rebuilt. The late version has a square instrument
panel. And there are some more little changes. When I get around to
it I will try to write something about that build as well.
you might have guessed, I really like this grandfather of the Porsche
Review sample purchased by the author.
This model can be purchased from